Wednesday, August 25, 2010

what is culture?

I believe what defines culture is the experience of people in a particular place, day and era. An example of this would be urban america where the day and times are filled with people young and old living in a state of economic depression and leads to several depressing situations. Like massive murders of youth, poverty stricken comuntes, and massive unemploement.

One of the lines in Marvin Gayes song "what's goin on?" says brother, brother, brother there's far to many of you dieing and mother mother mother far to many of you crying we've got to find a way for some understanding today. This song was talking about a time of war in Vietnam and now this same song is relevant to today because of the war that has been raged in urban comminities that is taking the lives of young african american boys and girls daily. It is amazing how the lyrics of a song can dipict the nature or reality that speaks to the lives of people from generation to generation.

1 comment:

  1. Culture-the sum total of the attainments and activities of any specifice period, race, or people, including their implements,handcrafts, agriculture, economics, musics, art, religious belifs, traditions, language, and story.

    This song goes with every thing that is going on in todays life. There is so much violence in the urban areas, especially in the grammer and high schools. Random innocent people are being killed. Not a days goes by without breaking news of some one being killed. Our children can't even go outside without parents worring about stray bullets. You can't even stand on the bus stop or just walk down the street without the thought that some thing horrible may happen. This all goes back to the name of Marvin Gayes song "What's going on?" WE have to take the time out to ask ourselves, what is really going on?
