Saturday, September 25, 2010

image and rhyme post

{Verse One}
you think im sleezy
girl please
betchu can see ya brain
ya eyes rolled to far back
in ya head
cause how i fill in my leggins
ya man cant stop starin at my A#$
he dissed you a8^ to slide me his numba
but uh un i know

he dont undah-
stand me
just wants my body
out his fantasts
and between his sheets
im nobodys prize to win'
what happened to chiivalry?
is it dead?
did rap kill it?
or is it on life support cause shorty can hold the doh[door]
flash his dough[money]
but loose his mind when i walk past slow.
{Verse Two}
Your rude comments
dont phase me
im such a f%$%$ lady
you hate me?
you dont even know me
mind ya buisness
hatin is a sickness
you need to talk to Dr. Phil
B**%$ you need a refill
on your perscription
I honestly thought this was a challenging question i may have changed my answer about three times.I would have to say if i were an outsider to this college and an avid listener to rap music if i were introduced to these lyrics i would say that these lyrics are potitive.the overal overtone of these lyrics depict a woman wo desnt like being objectified by the way she dresses and is tired of other women of the same age disliking her pbecause she is particularly appealing to thier spouse.the woman is not in persuit of anybodys boyfriend and she dresses the way she dresses because she wants to despite the rude comments and atention.i would even say ans an outsider that these lyrics are empoweing.the woman clearly doesnt feel as thoughshe needs to follow anybodys rules nomater how she dresses people will act the same way.
As an outsider to this college i would thin kolive harvey collegev was full of younger women some who dress nmore trendy and sexier than others.i would think that the men were perverted pigs according to these lyrics.
i do think these lyrics contribute to black dysfunctional culture becasue it depicts sexis gender roles amd objectification of women acoording to the book "The hip hop wars"

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