Tuesday, September 14, 2010

Olive Harvey Image and Rhyme Post

My views on mathematics are very complex
But I'll try to describe them in what will come next
Those of you who say a phone's purpose should be
What motivates studying its workings, I see
Why you do, but must say I disagree
Pedagogical logic's just at odds with me
A fact in mathematics, wherever you find it
Is not of much interest without what's behind it
It's not just about getting through one more class 

Whether you fail a test, or whether you pass
You may have that mentality, but it's a reality
Some people don't think that way, I am one as you'll see
When it pertains to the subjects of math
And science which I am connected to past
What is said in the lessons which go by so fast


I will now shift my focus to studying science
An endeavor on which I put much reliance
That broad term refers to such disparate topics
As microbiology, ecology, and optics
But whichever you take, there is a debate
Over different approaches, and I can state
That the general consensus as of this date
Is experiments with methods already in place

 My Thoughts as an Outsider.
*       If I was an outsider, I wouldn't think negative of the lyrics. The lyric points out facts about school reality in relation to science and thoughts about science. And in that case, it is educative and serves as a form of advice to students. With this lyrics having posted by a student of the college, I would be interested in knowing more about the college and its students. The lyrical value of this rap lyrics is safe. It has no contribution  to the black ghetto dysfunctional group. It has no form of deviation from the norms of social behavior in a way regarded as bad.

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