Saturday, March 20, 2010

Artist vs. Industry, Go ! What makes a song controversial

I think a song is controversial when the artist talks about things that society deem taboo. For example was sex talked about in song's? The answer is yes but it was more subtle than "Pop that Coochie" by 2 Live Crew and "Me So Horny". Are how could people not have any regards to the police like "Fuck the Police" by N.W.A. From my childhood I remember some of the back lash that rap got, saying that it was bad and how the government in some ways were trying to ban it. I remember Luke being arrested and I remember Delores Tucker always on the news fighting what people considered 'Gangsta Rap".

I also think that songs that make people uncomfortable to talk about are controversial. What I mean by that statement is that when a song talks about a topic that people want to talk about but are just too scared to admit it. For example "White Lines" by Grandmaster Flash. Everyone knew it was an crack epidemic going on in the black neighborhoods but were too afraid to admit it.

I think the only reason why something is deemed controversial is because people sometimes want to be blind tp what's going on. Also I feel like something's are blown out of proportion when it come to things like sex. When I was 10 and was watching "The Jukebox" video station, should've I have been watching 2 Live Crew video probably not, but I sure wasn't scarred for life watching it or thinking that I should act the way the females were acting in the video. Of course I know that some kids go in a completely direction but, I think that's when parents come in.

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