Sunday, March 21, 2010

Artist Vs Industry: Go!

What is real hip hop to me? Its a combination of culture, lyrics, beats, dance, art and staying true to one's identity. Hip hop is real. Let me define real! REAL- is never FAKE!!! You stand for what you believe. In your lyrics and the way you dress. Maybe you mindset and the way you express yourself. Real Hip Hop has purpose and reasonings behind everything you do and say. It makes a statement and never to be forgotton. So what happened to Real HIP HOP??? I wonder that myself. Nobody in the Indusrty is really being real to them or me. Where is the statement you as an individual is trying to portray with your music? Real Hip Hop Left and I wonder will it ever return. Because music is changing daily, will we ever see REAL HIP HOP again.

Authencity is defined by what you believe and how you feel. Truth! Are you true and real and come with your own style. Are you trying to explain something to me through your life experiences or just selling me a dream. Yes as an artist you can be diverse and be authentic. It is Truth! Are you being true to self and one's culture. Hip Hop world is designed for all individual but never betray who you are as a person.

Controverisal song has a mean and a reason. It is trying to influence and demonstrate something to you. It might be polticial or not, all depends on how you look into the lyrics and the mean behind the song. What make a song controversial is the facts it can be looked upon with different views. Most like only two, positive or negative. What is your reaction to the song when you first heard it? "Hip Hop World please come back!!! Rhyme, poetry, life, experiences, dreams do come true. Hip Hop come back to me, Show me the real you!!!"- Audrey

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