Tuesday, March 16, 2010

Everyday People by Arrested Development
Humanities 107-c
I think that the overall message of this song is to demonsrate how rude some black people are and the extent they will go to make you stoop to their level. This is a prime example of how you, a person minding his own buisness, can become the target of violence by another person of color whose under the influence of ignorance intensified by alcohol. It also shows how you can be provoked into a fight that you tried to avoid.
The best part of the song for me was when the rapper described the fight. The verse went something like "that's the story yall of a black man actin like a nigga and gettin stomped by an African". If I had to explain this to my grandmother I would probably tell her that sometimes you can't always "turn the left cheeck" like she would say. This person had to stand up for himself and defend his honor. A Black man (Black as in an outfit; a person who has not completely identified with their heritage ; an individual who has overcome adversity), is acting like a nigga(a thug; person with who has no respect; the lowest level of what's considered to be Black) gettin stomped by an African(Rich in color;a person of great strength;an individual who is very well versed in what it means to be Black; considered to be the highest class of Black; wears the vibrent colors of their ancestors). I know some maynot agree with my description but these are just my personal feelings.
The chorus just says how this person is everyday people. I think this verse is self explanitory. This person is simply saying that this is what happens to everyday people.
This song is important to me because it doen't condone violence but is not afraid to do what is neccessary to survive. I like how the woman in the song is refered to as a Black Queen. Alot of rappers don't say that about women these days instead they exploit them. This person cared about the woman and could not stand back and allow the guys to keep grabbing her in an inappropriate manner.
The fact that this person was dressed different than the average person that also made him a target to these unruely individuals. I learned through this that it is ok to be different and sometimes people will make fun of you because they don't understand what your representing.
This song has already gone down in Hip Hop history. Everyday People by Arrested Development is talked about frequently in my Hip Hop book. This group has added great meaning to Hip Hop and has stood out among the Gansta rappers. Arrested Development is in a genre that includes NWA and Mc Lite to name a few. These are artists that have voiced political concerns and were non-violent. With Everyday People even after the so called fight the young lady at end says that the morale of the story was violence was is not the answer. The name Arrested Development is very unique. I believe that the name stands for a people who wanted to flourish but is being held back by some person;group;or maybe even society.
Even today you still here Everyday People being played on the radio as if it came out not too long ago. Ienjoy this song and those around me enjoy it as well. Its an uplifting song that makes you feel happy and proud to be of African decent. It is a privilage to know that Hip Hop like this exsists!

See I was resting at the park minding my own
business as I kick up the treble tone
on my radio tape player box, right
just loud enough so folks could hear it's hype, see ?
Outta nowhere comes the woman I'm dating
investigation maybe she was demonstrating
But nevertheless I was pleased
My day was going great and my soul was at ease
until a group of brothers started bugging out
drinking the 40 oz, going the nigga route
Disrespecting my black queen
holding their crotches and being obscene
At first I ignored them cause see I know their type
They got drunk and got guns and they wanna fight
and they see a young couple having a time that's good
and their egos wanna test a brother's manhood
So they came to test Speech cause of my hair-do
and the loud bright colors that I wear [Boo !]
I was a target cause I'm a fashion misfit
and the outfit that I'm wearing brothers dissing it
Well I stay calm and pray the niggaz leave me be
but they're squeezing parts of my date's anatomy
Why, Lord, do brothers have to drill me ?
Cause if I start to hit this man they'll have to kill me

I am everyday people (2x)

I told the niggaz please let us pass, friend
I said please cause I don't like killing Africans
but he wouldn't stop and I ain't Ice Cube
but I had to take the brother out for being rude
and like I said before I was mad by then
It took three or four cops to pull me off of him
But that's the story y'all of a black man
acting like a nigga and get stomped by an African


  1. I totally agree with you, Ms. Younge on how ignorant people can be and provoke you to say and/or do something you were were tyring to avoid. Music is another form of communication to release and express any type of emotion and that is what Arrested Development did. They were speaking truth on how they handle thins in life and what they have gone through. And when they referred a woman in their music "black queen" it shows you not all rap music degrades women (well, at least back in the day.)

  2. Thank you for this comment, but I didn't make this post. You should attribute that wisdom to Ms. Oliver. Thank you, Queen!
